My Father

A big reason why I am here, and you are here on this website today, is because of my father. This website, my work, my passion and guidance for you is directly influenced through him. I lost my father on October 9th, 2020. A piece of me died, and a piece of me became reborn at the same time. Hence the Phoenix rising from the ashes.

My father was everything to me. He was the one who put a ball in my hands at the age of 2, became my basketball coach, mentor, teacher, friend, teammate, fan and more. He instilled in me life lessons that would last forever, even used to day by myself and thousands of others. Yes, thousands. His impact and legacy was unmatched. He was a teacher and also a HS basketball coach for most of his career (40 years).

His ability to help other men and women grow into caring, professional, humble, and compassionate people was his task. He lived strongly through the Word of Christ and showed me truly what it means to be a Christian man of Faith, walking alongside God in this thing called life. Wherever he went, he would light up the room. Hence the term “Light em up!” which means so much more to me today than ever.