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4 Locations That Naturally Create A Miracle Water

  1. Lourdes, France
  2. Tlacote, Mexico
  3. Nordenau, Germany
  4. Nadana, India

As big as this world is there are only 7 places in the world that produce this kind of “miracle water” that naturally comes from the ground. This is water that has been flowing against underground rocks for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

What Makes This A Miracle Water?

When thousands of people around the world were getting cured of their diseases by drinking water that came from the ground, it really makes you think. Most of these locations had stories of apparitions before being told where to look or where to dig and poof – water appears. After testing the water that came from these locations, scientists revealed that the water was naturally alkaline and had natural antioxidants.

Dr. Sanetaka Shirahata, Graduate School of Genetic Resources Technology, Kyushu University, says that all so-called miracle or healing water contains Active Hydrogen (atomic hydrogen) and Hydrogen (molecular hydrogen) in the water. Due to hydrogen being the lightest element, active hydrogen evaporates within 0.3-0.7 seconds after generating it, and hydrogen will evaporate soon after, especially in contained in a plastic water bottle.

In the past, anyone who was sick or had a disease had to physically visit these locations, but thanks to technology, One can have this Miracle Water in the comfort of their own home!

HYDROGEN natures gift

Hydrogen is a selective antioxidant where it will only fight the bad free radicals and leaves the beneficial free radicals that are necessary to our health and our body’s abilities to heal themselves.

Unlike vitamins, hydrogen can get to every cell and every tissue in the body as well as it will pass through the blood-brain barrier eating up plaque in the brain that can go on to create Alzheimer’s and other brain issues like dementia and Parkinson’s.  

Hydrogen will go anywhere it is needed, unlike vitamins which are site-specific and only go where they are targeted like vitamin C, which is targeted to the immune system.  If you have an issue in your kidney or liver hydrogen is going to come to the rescue anywhere the body has a weakness. 

Hydrogen is also known to be an anti-inflammatory agent lowering inflammation in the body.  People who have issues such as arthritis or colitis or any itis are going to be greatly benefited.

Our bodies receive energy from Hydrogen without calories. Hydrogen is transported to the mitochondria of the cells, which then use the hydrogen to create ATP or energy.

Hydrogen has the ability to up-regulate our body’s own natural antioxidant called glutathione.  Glutathione is the precursor to all of the feel-good brain chemicals such as gabba, serotonin, and dopamine making us feel more balanced and happy especially as we age and in anyone with brain issues.

Hydrogen hydrates you more.  The more toxic you are the more hydrated you will become because when hydrogen finds a free radical it turns it into the water so you can excrete it out.  This will clean your body and hydrate you at a deeper level. 

Now that you know the benefits of Hydrogen Water you can add this to the regimen of fasting and to your everyday life you will see it will be easier to have energy, lessen your hunger, clear out waste and protect your body for years to come so you can be happy, healthy and free.


Understanding Voltage within FOOD..

Whole Food Plant Based Food

Fruits are highly recommended to stay hydrated (seeded = better). The water content, enzymes, electrons, minerals, and phytonutrients, making it the perfect food for humans and our internal ecosystem.

Algaes and Sea Vegetables- the mineral content, micro, and macronutrients, WITHOUT the negatives of over acidic, mucus forming, inflammatory resulting in a deficiency in electrons (energy) and creating a + ORP charge in the body.

ORP = Oxidation Reduction Potential

It’s important to eat for Voltage, Angstroms, ORAC foods, electrons, enzymes, minerals, essential fats and proteins, minimal acidic waste, stagnation, and coagulation. Our health is our blood quality. Blood is mostly (90%) water, it’s the gas, charge, energy, prana, and chi of our physical human vessels. We are batteries.

CBD (Goldvana)


What is CBD?

CBD is a phytocannabinoid endogenous to the hemp plant, which synthesizes cannabinoids in reaction to heat and light under natural growing conditions. CBD accounts for about 40% of the hemp plant, accompanied by hundreds of other therapeutic compounds–“minor” cannabinoids and terpenes–that synergize with CBD to enhance its benefits and potentiate its effects.

How Does CBD Work?

CBD produces its benefits through its interaction with the endocannabinoid system, the body’s “master regulatory system” that is responsible for nearly all aspects of our physical and mental health. The endocannabinoid system is a network of receptors and neurotransmitters that spreads throughout the body and brain; cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) are found in the central nervous system, internal organs, peripheral tissues, immune system cells, and skin.

The endocannabinoid system controls the physiological processes responsible for nearly all of the bodily functions and physiological processes that are crucial to our physical and mental health. Though it would be nearly impossible to list all of the systems that the endocannabinoid system controls, below we have provided just a few examples of the physical and psychological processes that it regulates:

  • Stress
  • Sleep
  • Mood
  • Digestion
  • Pain
  • Inflammation
  • Mobility
  • Cognition
  • Dermatological health
  • Energy
  • Metabolism
  • Immune system health
  • Ocular health

SeaMoss (@Samadhimoss)

Sea Moss is one of the most powerful superfoods in the ocean.

Our body needs about 102 vitamins & minerals for optimum functionality & sea moss has 92 of the 102! Apart from its powerful anti-inflammatory effects, it is packed with Protein, Fiber, Selenium, Iodine, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus & Zinc. Being incredibly nutritious, it became known throughout Europe as the superfood of the sea.

Why Sea Moss?

  • Oxygenating food source
  • Promotes energy and vitality
  • Rich in vitamins and minerals (92 to be exact) for optimal health and vitality
  • Whole food mineral source
  • Naturally high in omega 3’s
  • Known to boost collagen production, aiding in skin, hair, and nail growth and health.
  • Contains iodine to help balance the thyroid (ask your doctor if you can consume seaweeds if you are already on iodine medication).
  • Helps eliminate excess mucus and heavy metals while supporting the upper respiratory tract, opening the lungs, and boosting the immune system.
  • Anti-viral | Anti-fungal | Anti-microbial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • May improve cognition, and acts as a neuro-protective
  • Acts as a digestive aid (contains insoluble fiber which acts as a natural prebiotic).
  • Supports healthy libido


Tumeric supplements are some of the most efficient ways to reduce inflammation in the boy. Tumeric contains compounds called curcuminods, which have potent anti-inflammatory effects. 

 These supplements are made with all organically grown Wild Turmeric, which is directly sourced from Japenese farms, and grown with hydrogen rich water.

In addition, when taking a turmeric supplement, it’s recommended to also be sure you are either consuming coconut oil, and black pepper, or utilizing another supplement that contains BioPerine (the trademarked name for piperine), which is the substance that enhances curcumin absorption by 2,000%. Without this substance, most of the curcumin just passes through your digestive tract and is not utilized.

Chlorella and Spirulina

Chlorella – This single-celled green alga is a rich source of chlorophyll, as well as vitamins A, C, B12, iron, magnesium, and zinc. It must undergo a special process where the cell walls are broken open to make it digestible by humans. Chlorella is valued primarily for its ability to bind to heavy metals and unwanted chemicals in the body, so is often used to aid detoxification.

Spirulina – This blue-green alga (cyanobacteria) is a very good source of antioxidants, B vitamins, iron, copper, and manganese. It is considered one of the most bioavailable and nutrient-dense foods on the planet. Research in humans has shown benefits such as improving the fatty liver, lowering triglycerides, improving glucose metabolism, and alleviating symptoms of allergic reaction,

Chris | Come Out Better 22'

Free Workouts

  • Resistance Training (coming soon)
  • Olympic Lifting (coming soon)
  • CrossFit (coming soon)
  • Rec Sports (coming soon)
  • Yoga (coming soon)
  • HIIT (coming soon)

Infared Sauna

Infrared sauna exposure increases your blood circulation to help stimulate the sweat glands, releasing built-up toxins in the body which can then be eliminated by the liver and bowel. Regular infrared sauna sessions can help detoxify your body as it rids itself of accumulated highly toxic metals such as lead, mercury, nickel, alcohol, nicotine, sulfuric acid, and other organic and inorganic compounds.

  • Better sleep
  • Relaxation
  • Detoxification
  • Weight loss
  • Sore muscle relief
  • Joint pain relief
  • Clear and tighter skin
  • Improved circulation

Massage & Fascia 

Our fascia systems contain many metaphysical properties. A big one is our memories. Fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds and penetrates muscles, bones, and organs in the body. It acts as a support structure and helps to transmit force and maintain stability. The fascia is also involved in injury healing and chronic pain conditions. It is a continuous, three-dimensional web of tissue that affects the functioning of the whole body.

Fascia is important because:

  • Provides structural support to the body
  • Helps distribute mechanical forces
  • Plays a role in injury healing
  • Can contribute to chronic pain if tight or restricted
  • Influences posture and movement patterns. Thus, understanding and considering the fascia in healthcare practices is important for promoting proper function and preventing injury.

Watch the video to the right to learn more about our Fascial Network. 


Pure Wave

Damaged, injured and dysfunctional cells are areas of the body that have become lower in cellular energy charge.  Lower Energy levels in cells are the cause of Lower Quality Production from those cells.  Cells repair, replace, and duplicate brand-new cells (over the entire body) every 3 to 7 months. New replacement cells, that have been produced by cells with low energy, will perform poorly, providing less quality work than higher-energy cells.


The PureWave PEMF System naturally restores cell functioning and improves weak functional cycles by using Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) programs that are equivalent to the natural frequencies of the body.

The currents of these natural frequencies are carried throughout every area of the body, creating a process of restoration and stimulation that permeates every cell. By strengthening and stabilizing the body’s previously weakened fields, one can receive a multitude of benefits.

Healy (Check Out My Shop)

Healy is a microcurrent medical device that has been cleared by the US food and drug administration only for local relief of acute chronic and arthritic pain and muscle soreness due to overexertion. Healy also has nonmedical applications that use individualized microcurrent frequencies (IMF) Healy analyzes over 9 million frequencies and selects the ones you need to harmonize your Bioenergetic Field.

Other Healing devices & Modalities include:
  • Tesla Plates
  • Grounding/Earthing
  • Sungazing
  • Forest Therapy
  • Cold Shower/baths
  • Foam Rolling


*Not financial advice, I am not a financial advisor, please contact your CPA or advisor for more information…

Owning a home-based business has many great benefits for your health and your home, but it also comes with some pretty incredible financial benefits as well!

Owning a medical device, for example, comes with the ability for you to have a home-based business of your own with no additional monthly fees or membership costs!

You can enjoy the tax incentives and business tax deductions simply by setting up your business account with company XYZ, and then by sharing the product, and sharing all the benefits that the product provides.

As an example, your annual tax savings could be: *

  • Full tax deduction against your gross income for the price of the machine (as a deduction for Business Startup Operational Costs)
  • 1/3 of cost per year Depreciation for 3 years

Additional direct write-offs that are available as an Independent Distributor: *

  • Mortgage or Rent Payments & Utilities (up to 25%)
  • Business Related Expenses: Cell Phone, Home Phone, Electric, Gas, Cable, Utilities, Car Payments, Gas, Tolls, Expenses, Repairs
  • Supplies, Business Cards, Flyers, Brochures, Postage & Shipping
  • Computers, Printers, Ink, Paper, Accessories & Internet
  • Filters, Accessories & Deep Cleaning
  • Bank Fees, Credit Card, and Loan Interests
  • Airfare, Hotels, Travel, Dining, etc…and many, many more

The American Jobs Creation Act was signed into law in 2005, allowing taxpayers to deduct up to $10,000 for a new business start-up and ongoing organizational expenses. Section 179 of the Tax Code allows you to write this bonus off now! *

Taking advantage of these business write-offs and tax incentives will help you keep more money in your pocket and put your business to work for you as an additional source of income.

Be sure to consult your Tax Advisor for more details, and learn about the benefits of owning your own business.

* This page is geared specifically towards distributors located in the U.S., and distributors in other countries, please check with your accountant or tax representative.

Create Cash Flow

Have an asset or business that generates your cash flow, now and later. This cash flow can then be used for a multitude of benefits within one’s life. Supporting family expenses, travel, rent, mortgage, college funds, and more. We are programmed to 1 stream of cash flow, see below for an example…

  • Open your mind
  • Call in an opportunity
  • Duplicate, Work hard, work smart
  • Create multiple income streams
  • Increase your cash flow
  • Use cash flow to fund investments
  • Use assets to grow net worth
  • Use the money grown from assets to buy your expenses and luxuries or give back, non-profit and build
Save-Invest-Distribute Earnings


My portfolio currently:



  • Cosmonations/Keplr (ATOM, JUNO)
  • Uphold (XRP, XDC, SOLO)
  • Binance US (HBAR and IOTA)



  • XUMM app(online) XRPL exchange hub
  • Uphold app (exchange/wallet)
  • LOBSTR app (exchange/wallet)
  • Bifrost App  (SGB wrap and delegate = passive income via FLARE FARMA)

Physical Wallet

Nano Ledger S or X offline cold wallet (

DCENT offline cold wallet (


Precious Metals

Millennial Metals is an online community of precious metals enthusiasts with a shared belief in sound money. We are bonded through the revelation that central banks and governments around the world work to dilute our hard-earned wealth through money printing aka COUNTERFEITING. Our mission is to protect our families’ wealth and to end the corrupt financial system through the accumulation of physical gold and silver money.

@MsNumismatix (Bianca)

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